Saturday, April 27, 2013

731 - Mane Event bound

Day 731 - coffee was pre made ready to get all moving. Kaylin was up and getting ready for her makeup session armed with some toast and coffee I made her. Papa was up ready too. Sheldon kindly pitched hay as I fed the two their mixed food and he fed cats and fixed a broken rail too. Kaylin was off by 9:30 and Grama and Papa around 10:30. We had few more things to do but finally got away about 10:45. The wind picked up like crazy on the way and got horrible thru the day and worse in the evening although it was 22 degrees, from snow to drying wind.. man!

We arrived in Red Deer, grabbed a quick bite to eat, got into the grounds, bought tickets and found the polox booth to work our shift. Below is Jac's side for australian stock horses.. check out the pictures she has posted Shaina..
We then enjoyed Britt's afternoon performance. A quick tour of the trade floor and it was club fun in "winnie" before the evening performance which was part of the horse extravaganza again. Well done riding to the riders and horses.

fast action

 Sheldon makes a friend with Igloo
 but she wants more!
Sheldon and I were then off to Benbows to join in Randy's birthday party and stay the night. Britt stayed with the club going out for supper and such. It was a very late night catching up with Randy and Yvonne but well worth it.

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