Friday, April 19, 2013

723 - oak dresser finished

Day 723, after getting Britt off to school I finished hauling the drawers in to stage the oak dresser. I had Sheldon help me carry the body in after we got home last night. It is now complete and ready for a new home. I love it!!

I spent time online trying to find more furniture scores and updated the blog. I also posted this beauty on my face book page, my furniture blog, here and on my kijiji sale page. Lots of my new hobby's time is required to market it or Sheldon has a cow about the piles of furniture done and to do :-)

I also tried to figure out Sketchup. A program that our shop plan was created in. It is alot harder than it looks and is going to take some playtime to get handy with it. Here is a quick snap I took of the building itself looking at the south east end.
There was a wee speck area around the one dresser knob that was visible after the wood filler cracked on install, it drove me crazy so I removed, refilled and repainted to perfection. I hauled in some of the new dresser and swept the deck, the sun popped out and it was beautiful. Time to shut the horses out of their summer pens was next order of business.

After getting home off the bus form school I forced Britt to go ride, there was a small breeze but the sun was shining and forecast is not good for the w/e so off she went. I snapped a few photos of her wild ride.
 this pony has energy to spare
 always..but when she gets her flattened out she is so fluid
 the other fatties enjoy watching her exercise
 she stands quietly waiting for her after workout snack
 and Diego cannot be anywhere but with his people and gives big hugs

After brushing her up and giving her food Britt helped me haul in the dresser then I started supper. Sheldon arrived home just before 7 and we all enjoyed salmon burgers with rice and salad. Britt whomped up a batch of cookies in the evening too.

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