Sunday, April 14, 2013

718 - stormy start to Sunday

Day 718 was yet another snowy blustery cold day, this one happens to be Sunday. The snow actually cleared around 10  but it stayed cold. Slow morning at the ranch although both of us were up early. Coffee got us going so eventually Sheldon could iron his work shirts and I updated the blog and folded laundry. I gave Diego his glucosamine shot before I headed out to my workshop to put on polycrylic; The growth charts, custom coffee table top (to help weather university parties) and the island green chair.  I also waxed the frame before coming in for a lunch with the candy crush player who was eager to watch the masters starting at noon.

After lunch I fixed a drawer and stripped the top of the dresser. It was in bad shape and for sure would not be smooth without this step.
 look at the thick shellac like finish.. yuck
Britt was dropped off at one, hit the shower then napped, guess the birthday party was a good one. I put the 2nd coats of poly on the rulers and when dry brought them in along with the mirror I waxed for photo staging. The chair was dry now to so in it came for pictures as well. Sheldon took a quick break from the golf on TV and candy crush on his tablet to run a bale out to the horses.

To the left, the custom ruler, there are the childrens name at the bottom and they each have increments on each side, perfect for a 3 child family. And right is the mirror done in cece paint I just bought. (just under $50 a quart.. eeekkkk) and I glazed it to look old
 the reloved paint color island all done up, next is purple. I think they will look so cute with the white table.
By now it was 5 and the masters was nearing the end, Sheldon cut up his venison roast and is making an AV cookbook stroganoff recipe for supper. Britt woke up to join us for supper :-) After supper I was back to my workshop this time painting the dresser and of course it was not without incident!
 the areas where there was water damage started to bleed thru
so I stopped as you can see here are more.. people don't realize how much damage water left on wood can do
I wiped back the one area and sprayed a sealer on the places but should have done the entire top prior to painting. I forgot what a PITA white paint is on old wood. Note to self, seal all wood before using white paint!

I continued to do the sides and front, grrrr hope the 2nd coat and the glaze help to give character and some coverage for the darn crap old finish. I combined white Van Gogh chalk paint and the island Reloved chalk paint to create a light green for the drawers, this seemed to go on better so at 9 I called it quite for the night. Time for a hot bath!

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