Thursday, April 4, 2013

708 - polox drill team commences

Day 708 I spent in the garage working on projects
 2nd coat of paint on the side board/entry table/dresser/tv console
I have left the original stain color on the inside in tact as it is in great condition and adds a pop of color
 I put another coat of glaze on the bottom and another coat of poly on the top of the tables

and this is an experiment in painting cork.. this old cork/dry erase board needed an overhaul but most places said you cannot paint cork as it absorbs to much water.. lets see
I think it worked fine, this is coat number one

It was then time to shower up and get ready to head to polox drill team practice in Okotoks at Jac's arena. Britt was happy Sheldon arrived home just as we were leaving so she drove me to practice in her new to her car! There will be practice twice a week until Mane Event the end of this month. It turned out really well and is going to look great!
 the team prepares to start the drill
 but during the passing portion a ball goes down the wall.. Britt gives it a go from her trusty ladder Desi
 reaches a little farther
 a bit more but the helmet is too big
 so she loses that and gets a longer stick (one Jac used when riding Julio)
and success, she retrieved the ball Lesley threatened would cost them $30 :-)

Britt drove use home too leaving around 10 and we only had a couple detours with all the construction. I forgot to mention we nearly crashed on the way there in the same construction zone when the line ahead all stopped fast, quick thinking Britt breaked and quickly pulled into the open left lane avoiding a rear ender.. whew.. another near miss with her behind the wheel.. guess it means she is quick on her seat thinker!

Sheldon enjoyed his night at home playing candy crush and watching hockey :-)

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