Wednesday, March 6, 2013

679 - table ready to go

Day 679, hard to believe it has been 679 days since we started the ranch project, wow! Today was another dreary overcast day, I went to work after dropping Britt at school and put in another morning of work. Break up is just around the corner. They are forecasting warm weather to come in by Friday, guess we will see.

As I drove in I saw they are working on both wells on our land. Diego was none to pleased and voiced his displeasure quite often although they could not hear him.

Back at the ranch I brought in the small round table as it is now finished and ready for sale. It makes me nervous selling items as you never know how they will hold up but I guess with anything it is who owns them and how they are treated. I staged some photos to post on the creative moments blog.
I had started to feel off at work but after I hauled the table in and set it up I was feeling worse. By 3 I was curled on the couch. Sheldon lit a fire for me when he got home and Britt walked the dogs but that was about the last I saw of them. The flu kicked in full fledged so the rest of the night I spent in our room.

Sheldon cooked up the hamburger I had out for his and Britt's supper. Then he enjoyed the night watching hockey and slept in the spare room to avoid catching the flu. Britt watched her TV shows too.

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