Saturday, February 9, 2013

656 - "guilty pleasure"

Day 656 is themed guilty pleasure. That is easy, anything chai :-) Sheldon drove Britt to work for 8, took the horse trailer in to have tire fixed and brought home a steaming guilty pleasure for me! lucky!
He crawled back into bed napping and watching sports till 11 while I read and played on the ipad then hit the computer for a bit.
Once he was up we unloaded all the treasures from the horse trailer. The wind blew with a bite even though it was zero. I decided the dresser was not worth doing so posted it online and it was gone in a few hours. The other stuff had me overwhelmed for a bit but I came up with plans in my head to start.
 the armed chair
 the table is in
 this cute little end table Sheldon wants me to toss.. I will show him
 a vague idea I had for these bases..spray paint black or dark brown and top with old wood
 the bottom half of the vanity and wee stool and below the cute retro folding chairs

Before picking Britt up from work at 3, Sheldon ordered Chinese food for supper and picked up after getting her.  Once back home we all worked at cleaning stuff out of the garage. Britt washed the vanity up too. A bunch of stuff I posted on the online garage sale, others went to storage trailer and a pile was made for take it or leave it! Sadly it still looks overfull but perhaps spring will bring a shop to store large things like the lawnmower, quads etc.

Chatted with Shaina a bunch today. She says Thailand is hot and busy. It was 2:30 am when she first messaged saying they were out walking.. "that is what everyone does!" She told me of her adventures actually getting to Thailand.
"I lost money and my train ticket (I spent over thirty that
 day on stupid train tickets), Just twenty but then 
I also went to wrong airline and they were mean to me 
then I got sick on my really nice plane!"
The girls start their month long group tour and should have many adventures to share. They have already spotted there first lady man and ate with a cat batting a cockroach around.
Kaylin arrived just after 7 to drop Lexi off for the evening and enjoy left over Chinese food. She worked yesterday at Sephora, today and tomorrow and the station tonight till close. It will all be worth a  paycheck though after being cashless for so long. She gave Britt a ride back to town so she could take in the Wheat kings game and a party tonight as well. I told her to catch a ride home if anyone coming sooner than Kaylin's most likely 3:30 close.

Sheldon had a hot bath and watched the Flames. He is happy the games are back on even though he said he didn't care if they did not return. I washed up the farm house table as I plan to start refinishing it tomorrow.

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