Friday, February 1, 2013

648 - February photo challenge begins "fork"

Day 648, after getting up a couple times to make sure Britt got ready and on the bus by 7:30, both Sheldon and I slept in till just before 10! It is of course first Friday of the month off for us both. This felt wonderful as it seems sleep has been very much missed. Today we were planning to start our 13 day alcohol free challenge but I only like coffee with baileys! Sheldon brewed up a pot and since it was all hot and ready to so I indulged. He also realized it was Superbowl Sunday coming up so suggested we start Monday.
He headed to town to drop off recyclables and go for his massage at 11:30. The side effect of the caffeine kicked in and I vacuumed the main floor and mopped Coco prints like a wild woman. Just before one Gienow surprised me showing up to install the correct window pane. He replaced the weather stripping too which will help with the rattle during high winds.

I created a blog for my February photo challenge but blogs only allow comments no pictures able to upload so I then created a face book page where pictures are easily uploaded. The trailer place still had not returned a call saying if done or not so by 2 we finally just left taking the truck with high hopes they would call. Sure enough, just as we neared the road to turn off on they called saying finally it was done!

We quickly hooked on and made our way south to my 2nd acne laser 3pm appointment. Next stop was 17ave where I jumped out literally at the corner while Sheldon maneuvered the truck and trailer down the narrow city streets towards Kaylin's place. I had an hour quantum release appointment which was interesting but relaxing. After visiting with Kaylin and Lexi for a bit and grabbing a sweater Shaina requested he drove back thru the bustling down town to fetch me. Britt stayed in after school to work.
By now it was almost 5:30 so we headed south towards Chinook mall. We parked the big rig at the Home Depot and took the overpass to the mall and enjoyed yet another amazingly delicious meal at Joey Tomatoes. I had the market chicken salad which I highly recommend along with the beach of course and Sheldon enjoyed the baby back ribs. To wash it down, I tried the super stoked vodka in both flavors preferring the cherry the best.
 market chicken salad.. note today's FORK theme too and below the frosty beverages

Sheldon chose Hansel and Gretel: witch hunters in 3D as our date night movie choice. I have to say the 18A was duly rated with the graphic death scenes and language but it was entertaining. We by now had cut it close to Britt's work shift end time. We jumped in the truck about 9:45 and "drive like you mean it" at her request. We picked her up close to 10:30 and made our way home with horse trailer in tow!

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