Friday, January 25, 2013

641 - last day of travel and home!

Day 641 was the final leg of our journey back home. It was another early morning with us up at 6:30, packed up and down to the shuttle by 7:10. The Best western bed was very comfy with cozy duvet and 4 fluffy pillows,our kind of bed! The shuttle was very full dropping us at the airport just after 7:30. This is were the congestion started. We loaded our bags and then had to wait about 20 minutes in the security line up. Once thru it finally we had the very lengthy Tims line up. :-)

The flight was delayed which was ok as it gave us time to eat and visit with Stouts who were there earlier  as their shuttle ran on the hour. We boarded and again waited finally taking off late at 9:40 EST. The flight was fine and uneventful as we snacked on a few more bags of bits and bites! I caught up on lots of HGTV shows while Sheldon enjoyed TSN.

We landed 4 hours later and was at the baggage claim by 12. We were pleased to find the temperature plus 3 just for our arrival. After grabbing luggage we jumped the parking shuttle, loaded in the truck and headed for home. We had planned a stop to pick up our horse trailer which has been at the repair shop since October. However when we arrived we found the prat was sent yet again and again arrived damaged so it was NOT ready! How frustrating it is, we grabbed tack for Sunday's practice and guess we will have to ride to it, grrrrr EXISS you stink. 

We dropped Stouts off just before 2 and arrived home soon after. It was a nice warm reception from Grama, Papa, Britt, and even Kaylin. Diego was the most excited to see us though I think We also had a big hello from Coco and Lexi as well.

 our greeting crew
 all this rum for under $53 including the forgotten cask, details below
We enjoyed a nice visit sharing our trip details while we shoveled in some left overs over a cold beer. Grama and Papa headed home at 4 and Kaylin headed to cover a shift at the Station soon after. Thanks again Grama and Papa for taking great care of the girls, critters and the hacienda.
bedraggled travellers
Time to unwind, check emails, enjoy a few cold beers before making supper. Some things are always good to come home to.. family, home cooking and your own house. I downloaded my pictures, was fairly light this trip with only 749. Sheldon enjoyed TV time for the evening. After supper it was a hot bath and crawl into the most comfy bed ever!!! The best thing to come home to after lots of travel and strange beds! Another fantastic trip in the memory bank, thanks Darren and Sharon for sharing it with us. :-)

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