Saturday, January 12, 2013

628 - leave the frozen tundra for sandy beaches

Day 628 is the final day of packing. Of course the list continued in my head and on the notepad by the bed. Britt was up early and Sheldon ran her to work for 8:30. He then got the truck tire fixed as we will take it and leave at the airport parking, bought himself an air tool kit he needs so bad and of course is 75% off at Canadian Tire with birthday money (thinking ahead), bought cat food and grabbed teas to bring home.

I checked us into our flight and found this cool live flight tracker for our flight from Toronto to St Lucia. and to toronto.. cool!
I ran to town quick to have Amanda tint my eyelashes and de fuzz eyebrows followed by a quick tan then home. Back at home it was chores like change sheets, continue packing and last minute details.

Sheldon put out two bales for the chubby ponies, this is definitely not a Jenny Craig pony camp :-). He plowed the road as well.

Grama and Papa arrived  around 1:30 so I helped try and get her laptop to allow Skype to work but it has bigger issues. So I hooked her up with Words with Friends :-) Sheldon picked Britt up from work at 3. We enjoyed a nice visit and supper before picking Darren and Sharon up just after nine and head to the airport. I will try and update the blog via the St Lucia beaches.

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