Monday, May 27, 2024

Relaxing rummy day

Harley, the rascal, wanted to go out at 6:20 am. Deb and I enjoyed coffee after 8, and the guys joined us shortly after. While sipping our coffee, I noticed a fox outside the window in the house paddock. S grabbed his gun and went outside. He fired a shot but missed again. I quickly wrapped up the Friday post and returned to our chat.

Seems we have a red head in the family :)

ketchup please

Sharon and Stan came by to see Timba before noon. She also left cash for Shaina, and after a brief visit, they departed. We began our game of Russian rummy with beers and snacks. Amanda and Aislyn came over at 1 for a pleasant two-hour visit. Deb had also made a quilt for her. 

Aislyn was excited for all the new toys to play with. Store was todays game.

They left at 3 to pick up the other children from school. Afterward, we continued our enjoyable card game.

Sheldon prepared smokies for dinner, accompanied by a salad. The big Oilers Stars game was on of course. Brittany arrived after 7:30, and Deb and I walked the dogs and cats to the gate and back. I quickly watered the front planters. Britt went to ride Roo before feeding her horses. Our Schubert chokecherry trees are smelling so beautiful.

The four of us then enjoyed a soak in the hot tub during the golden hour. B dropped in for a brief visit before leaving. Once back inside, we had a nightcap and chatted before ending the night after 11. I watched a bit of Netflix before turning off the lights. We completely forgot to put the cats away, oops.

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