Sunday, May 5, 2024

Cinco De Mayo

It was an overcast day. Harley went out at 5 am but back to bed thank goodness. I got all the pets fed while S got coffee going then he was off to church after his 2. With my second coffee I finished the press back chair tutorial and got it posted and shared. Yesterdays blog post was completed with photos and videos edited, watermarked and uploaded.

The sun started to burn thru before lunch as S was getting home with a tea. He made a taco omelet for lunch. I pushed out my planters planting dahlias in the 3. Dead cannas were removed. All was watered and left to get a bit of sun. The coffee table was dark waxed on the top. I will get it hauled in soon and staged and hope it sells quick. The beef broth was brought in and packaged up.

Oh Oh, look who likes bathrooms!

S went out after 1 to push the load of gravel at the front around. The clouds were back making for a very dreary day. I did accounting then started working on tutorials seeing the day was yucky. S jumped on the lawn mower and whipped around the longer grass areas as they are indeed forecasting more rain over the next few days.

The rain drizzled down in a few specks as I cleaned poop off the gravel after 3. S had finished up just in time if it would only rain. But it did not. He hit big brown with his laptop and sports on TV. The video compressing and uploading continued for me. I started making chili when the horses started running to winter pasture. S took the quad over closing one gate, letting them in the winter pasture gate then raced them to the far paddock gate to middle paddock that needed closing. Luckily he beat them :)

The chili with fresh avocado and grated cheese was so delicious paired with a batch of red lobster buns. Hockey captivated the evening yet again while I got the birthday bon voyage w/e slated in the calendar. The bed and breakfast is filling up fast.

We hit the hot tub for a soak. I crawled into bed to read after my shower. S hit the sheets too after the game, read very shortly then off to dreamland. I read quite awhile almost finishing the book.

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